Deworming Services for Pets

Routine treatment to flush out intestinal worms that are a threat to your loyal companion’s health.

Your pet can get worms easily regardless of their environment. They can contract worms from parasites, other infected pets, or even soil. Pets should start deworming medications from 2-weeks-old as puppies/kittens. Part of their prevention plan should also include regular testing even if they are on prevention medication. Deworming medication typically comes in the form of injections and oral tablets.

How do worms affect my pet’s health?

The worms that infect your pet can cause different reactions. Some signs and effects of worm infestations are:

  1. Swollen belly
  2. Abdominal pain
  3. Weight loss
  4. Vomiting
  5. Blood in their stool
  6. Diarrhea

If your pet is showing any of these signs it’s important that you contact a veterinarian to get them tested. To schedule an appointment for your loyal companion call 905-856-7387.

How are worms diagnosed in pets?

Worms can be diagnosed by examining your pet’s stool or blood. Tapeworm for instance can be seen with the naked eye in your pet’s stool. Other intestinal worms can be detected in your pet’s feces under a microscope. When performing fecal analysis our veterinarians look for worm eggs. Heartworms on the other hand are diagnosed through blood testing. Sometimes, X-rays and ultrasounds are performed to examine the organs that they have spread to. 

Can humans get worms from pets?

Yes, you can get worms from your pets. Some intestinal worms are called zoonotic because they can be transmitted between different species (including from pets to humans). To keep your family protected, we recommend deworming pets at an early age and practicing good hygiene when handling your pet’s feces.

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